Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Baby's First Haircut

Jonathan has been trying to get me to cut Caleb's mullet hair for months and months and really, I can't blame him. His hair looked ridiculous...not to mention it was definitely not BYU approved coming over the ears and collar the way it was. So, after finally conceding that my baby boy is growing up, I cut the little man's hair. The outcome? Overall a success, though it might have gone better had their been a bit more in that bottle he's drinking.

Do you see how long it was?!

He likes it!

He's one pretty hip little dude.


The Allen Family said...

Oh my gosh! He looks so big! Seriously, walking, stylin' hair, what's next? A mission and a marriage!

Elizabeth said...

Nice job on the haircut and the skirt, Becca. You've got the real mom skills!