Thursday, August 28, 2008

Welcome to Exotic and Exciting PRIMM, NEVADA!

Doesn't this just say it all?
For our third anniversary, Jonathan and I left the little dude with Grandma Wright and went to action-packed Primm, NV. I know, I'm goofing on it, but we actually had a really great time. It was an excellent deal because we were expected to gamble and drink and spend all kinds of money on debauchery, but instead we had a lovely time on the roller coasters inside of
Buffalo Bill's,
shopping at the Primm factory outlets (J. Crew capris for $9!!),
going OUT to see a MOVIE (as in a theater...not pausing to feed/clean/
bathe or put Caleb to bed),
watching the Olympics, and
eating baked potatoes, rice pilaf, roast beef and
raviolis on the same plate for dinner at the Buffet.
We had a ball!

It kind of has that Riverboat the gambling boat in the movie Maverick.

Glamor shots by Deb.

Jonathan's "I-am-a-Greek-Statue" pose

Jonathan's senior photo. :)
Becca's "I-won-a-millionaire-dollars-playing-penny-slots" shot

Three years and still in love...
After Primm, on our way to pick up the little Man, we went to the temple an endowment session and sealings. It was on our actual anniversary, so it was fun to see Jonathan's face in the "eternity mirrors" again. Three years ago, I knew from others telling me that I would love Jonathan more and more and more as the years went by, but I can say now from experience that I didn't hardly know what love was the day I got married. Jonathan is so forgiving, and he loves me even when I'm not too fond of myself. He has bunked in the hospital room with me when I had to stay overnight and he didn't. He has stayed up with me when I couldn't sleep. He has calmed my fears. He has understood me when I don't know what to say. He has prayed with me, cried with me, worked with me, served with me and most of all, laughed with me. He is my very best friend in the world. He knows me completely and loves me anyway. When he was in the hospital and things weren't looking too good, he lived for me and for our son. I am so thankful to Heavenly Father for blessing me with Jonathan. He is the answer to so many of my prayers. I've gotten sappy again, haven't I? :) Well, I just love him and three years hasn't been nearly enough!


Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you Becca and absolutely adored your post about your sweet husband. You guys are such a gorgeous couple I can't even stand it. I hope to feel the same way about someone someday myself but until then I'll just look up to you and Jonathan. :)

J Cromar said...

This was such a cute post! I really did like your glamore shot, you look beautiful. I'm still happy for you that you chose Jonathan, you guys are a awesome family!

meng said...

I love you wedding picture! That is one of the good things about Las Vegas area. glad you had a good time.

Carlson Clan said...

You can't post stuff like that when pregnant people are reading! Everything makes me tear up!!! You guys are such a great, powerful couple! We need to hang out again!

Keshia Phill said...

you know... I cried when I read your entry! I thought that your words were so eloquently put and is exactly how I feel about Shannon! Isn't true, unconditional, love amazing? I am so happy for you guys! Congrats. I just think you two are gorgeous together!

AubreyB said...

I love that green shirt on you - it's so cute!

The Allen Family said...

Love that post. And that picture of your wedding day. And your caption (again) under Jon's "senior pic." And you. And how reading your blog is like a good book because you're such a good writer. Hugs! XOXO!!

The Spanns said...

btw, you're a babe :) Also, he is due Oct 19th! COUNT DOWN! No belly-button sticking out... I'm pretty sure I have THE world's deepest, tightest belly button... I dont think I will ever see the bottom of it... even in pregnancy! I will let you know if the miracle does happen :) Hopefully he'll pop out even without the proper timer! I miss you!

betsey said...

Happy Anniversary! What a great weekend! I love getting away, even if it is only a few miles down the road!

P.S., I'm not preggers, the picture taken on my blog was taken when I was pregnant with Nora. No announcements here (and won't be for a LONG time!)

Becca Welch said...

congrats on the 3 yr, man time goes so fast... we need to meet up, I just won tickets to the blue man group in Las vegas, we will let you know. Love you-Becca

Keshia Phill said...

Thanks for the comment! I was actually thinking about you guys the other day because I was thinking about what I am going to be for Halloween and our Halloween parties!

Becca Welch said...

I am so excited to see you guys tomorrow. Finally we meet again... jk love you both-Becca