Thursday, February 21, 2008

Valentine's Cake!

Here is the latest addition to my Personal Progress Project of decorated cakes. I'm officially done with the project because I've finished my 10 hours, but it's so much fun and the girls really love it, so I think I'll keep on doing it. What do you think?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Mama's little helper

Caleb always wants to be doing whatever I am doing. At this minute he is pulling on my sleeve very curious as to why I'm staring at this lit up screen. This rule applies to all household activities including: dishes (the dishwasher is by far his favorite toy), making the bed, cleaning the toilets (let's just not even go there), vaccuuming--though he is scared to death of the vaccuum cleaner, and, of course, laundry. Here's Caleb "helping."

"Let's see...It says 'machine wash warm' then 'tumble dry,' Mom."

"Did you need any help taking pictures, Mom?"

Monday, February 4, 2008

Sleeping like a...

Can you even imagine sleeping in a position like this? I guess not too long ago Caleb was in a similar position as this inside of me, so he's cool with it.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Gettin' Crafty...

I've always wanted to learn how to decorate cakes, just as a hobby, but I've never before have the time or motivation until I got into Young Women (I'm the laurels adviser in my ward). So, for a personal progress project, I make and decorate cakes once a month for the girls' birthdays. Here are all of the cakes I've made so far (except for November, which was devoured before I took pictures):

No, we don't get too many snowflakes in January....or ever...
Three layers!!
It sort of looks checkerboard, right?

Ever seen a nativity in frosting before? Me neither.

My first ever! It's just a cute happy little sunflower.