This post is a partial birthday blog and a partial shout out to some great friends, Bryan and Chandi Allen, for hosting us for a fun-filled weekend! We drove a few hours to Cedar City on Friday night and Caleb was so excited to be there among friends that he stayed up playing until past midnight! This kid IS the Energizer Bunny. Caleb is usually pretty standoffish around "strangers" and I figured that since the Allens had moved about 6 months ago, he would consider them strangers. I couldn't have been more wrong. He climbed right into their laps and played with them all weekend, reaffirming our previous assertion that the Allens really are family. Here's a look at Becca's birthday weekend:
We spent the weekend traipsing around SUU, getting the tour, going to dinner and then amazing ice cream (GranDee's...Cedar City...Check it out), playing games, watching movies, getting too little sleep, going to the park, visiting family, AND I got to see some childhood friends I haven't seen in probably six years. Thanks to the Hepworths for making the effort to come into town so I could see you again. I realized only after I'd left that I didn't take any pictures! What's wrong with me? If it hadn't been for Chandi whipping out her camera everywhere we went, we would have zero photographic documentation of this weekend. I'll post more pictures when I get them from her, or just see her website. :)
Thanks Allens! We love you guys and I'm so glad I could spend my birthday with family! :)