Monday, June 23, 2008


Caleb has gotten to be one quick little dude. He always followed me around, but now he catches up to me and is practically my shadow all day...All day, that is, until he's doing something sneaky, and then he does it quietly so as I don't notice until things look like this:

You can almost see him scrambling for an excuse. "Well, Mom, I have this runny nose, see, so I needed about 100 tissues to take care of this runny nose, see? Aaaand...I just needed to make sure I had enough before I got started...see?"

This one is a little more unabashed. "Yup. I did it, and I'd do it again too!"
This is our bathtub. Note the objects that should and should NOT be in a bathtub. Hint: the little shrivelly orange thing is a baby carrot.
"Who me? Couldn't be!"


Becky Nelson said...

It only gets worse. Isabella loves to take kleenex and break them into 1000 little pieces. She gets into everything!!!! Good Luck

Anonymous said...

I think it's cute. And his facial expressions are so funny!

Dana said...

Oh my gosh, he is getting so big! I wish we could see him more. Yep, this stage is fun huh... wait until you have 4 doing is aghhh. Hope to see you guys soon.